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MechWarrior Online: The little bug that could (Locust gameplay)
Nasty Little Laser Bug - Binary Laser Cicada - Mechwarrior Online The Daily Dose 1490
MWO Locust-1E Gameplay 599 Damage 21:9
Mechwarrior Online (MWO) Gameplay - Locust 1M Gameplay
Player Highlight: "112nugohs" makes himself a problem on his Locust | MechWarrior Online
MWO Locust-1E Gameplay 859 Damage
MWO | *blows up locust with mind*
Warheads to Foreheads! ATM 27 Timber Wolf Legend - Mechwarrior Online The Daily Dose 1492
Locust LCT-1V Gameplay
Go! Little Locust! Go!
Locust 1E, Assault on Frozen City Classic and River City - MechWarrior Online
MechWarrior Online - Locust LCT-1Vb gameplay